Everyday struggles of a teacher and how to overcome them


Teaching can be a very rewarding job, but like everything in life it’s not easy all of the time. So much can depend on your personality and outlook and whether you are suited to a certain age range or type of school. Each class is different and so are the structures in place at each school, as they all have different ways of doing things. Often if something is not done the way you are used to then you have to be willing and able to adapt.

Certain issues such as student behaviour crop up time and time again, and so to help our teachers overcome what can be an everyday issue in school we have put together some advice that we hope will help you out when you are feeling a little less enthusiastic about going back to school. 

Challenging Student Behaviour 

There is often a student who presents a challenge, whether it’s texting on their mobile phone, arriving late to class, or purposely making a nuisance of themselves. If you are a new teacher or even if you are just having a bad day, it is important to remember not to show signs of being provoked by disruptive behaviour. Remind the students of the class rules and if there is potentially an underlying issue it may be better to speak to the individual in private. We hold regular CDP courses for our teachers which offer advice and techniques for dealing with challenging student behaviour.

Remember that the more experience you have as a teacher the more methods you will have up your sleeve to manage certain situations. Ask another teacher for advice, observe other teachers techniques, or look online, you are not alone. 


Paperwork is a major gripe for most teachers and you may see some of it as being unnecessary, but it is usually there for a reason. Unfortunately it is necessary to complete paperwork, but you can help yourself out by creating student files and minimising handouts. For more tips on managing your paperwork click here

Low Pay 

Like any profession (unless you are extremely lucky) you have to be prepared to work your way up. Some schools do pay more than others, but to increase your pay you need to demonstrate experience and knowledge. You can increase your pay opportunities by standing out by taking on further responsibilities and attend CPD courses to enhance your skills. 

Lack of Support 

New teachers are given mentors, however mentors are often as busy as or busier than the teachers they are supposed to support, which leaves a new starter lost in the woods. If this is the case ask someone else for help or find the answer yourself online. Remember that once you have found the answer you will not need to find it again and so it is one less thing you have to learn! 

Long Hours

Many teachers work long hours to keep on top of marking and lesson planning. Sometimes teachers are also required to stay at school after classroom hours to assist with detentions and giving extra help to particular students. Getting your work and personal life in balance can be difficult. It is important that teachers get this balance as it can affect your health and performance levels. If you are struggling to get the right balance it can worthwhile to seek advice from your peers, the most important thing to do is to make sure you talk about it. 

Don’t forget we are here to help!

We run regular CDP courses at our head office which give invaluable advice and enhance your teaching skills. Click here for a list of the latest courses. 

If you are looking for your next teaching role please get in touch or register with us today. One of our expert team will be in touch to help you find your ideal teaching role.