New teaching regulation agency to provide better support for teachers


The Department of Education is set to absorb the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) and take responsibility for teacher recruitment in an attempt to provide better support for those in the classroom.

Formed in 2013, the NCTL’s responsibility includes improving academic standards by recruiting and developing a workforce that is able to meet the needs of the school system.

From 2018, the Department for Education will take on the role, while regulation of the profession, which includes misconduct hearings, will be taken on by a separate body known as the Teaching Regulation Agency.

Both Roger Pope, the NCTL’s chair, and Malcolm Trobe, Deputy General Secretary at the Association of School and College Leaders, insist that it is the right time for the change and believe that adapting the department to meet the needs of a changing education sector is the right option.

There are currently a record number of teachers in schools – 15,500 more than there were in 2010 – however, figures suggest that around 1,400 more postgraduate teacher trainees will be required in 2018.

Nick Gibb, Schools Standards Minister, said: “We need to continue to attract the best and brightest into the profession and to support their development throughout their careers.”

It is hoped that by bringing the departments together it will enable the Department for Education to better invest in the profession, and ultimately, provide more rounded support to teachers in the classroom.

The news comes after the Government announced the opening of the Institute for Teaching, a new specialist graduate school for teachers, and also named 25 areas that will run a pilot programme to reimburse student loan repayments.

The new department plans to work closely with stakeholders, unions and staff within the education sector to deliver all of the future investment plans.