Literacy Teaching hub to receive £26 million of Government funding


The Government has unveiled a new Centre of Excellence for Literacy Teaching, which will receive £26 million to open up 35 English hubs across the country.

A £7.7 million curriculum fund will also be set up to pay both cultural and scientific institutions so they can develop new teaching resources.

Similar to existing maths hubs, the centre will promote and share best practice, with a strong focus on literacy and language teaching in reception.

The announcement follows on from Education Secretary Justine Greening’s announcement at the Conservative party conference last year, which outlined plans to invest £12 million on hubs in the north of England.

Plans were also outlined for a new £435,000 investment in reading and phonics partnerships, which includes a £100,000 fund for 20 roadshows across the country focused on reception teaching.

Although the funding has been announced, Ms Greening is set to provide greater detail on how a series of measures will improve literacy teaching later this week as part of the Government’s social mobility strategy.

The Education Secretary will also explain how £5.7 million of existing strategic school fund money will be distributed around 469 schools to improve the numeracy and literacy skills of nearly 40,000 children.

It is hoped that the investment will ensure that students receive the best literacy teaching possible.

Ms Greening said: “Our ambition is that no community will be left behind on education. Today’s literacy investment will help make sure that not just most but every child arrives at school with the vocabulary levels they need to learn. And our investment will mean that once they are at school every child will get the best literacy teaching.”