Learning at Work Week: Putting L&D at the forefront of teaching


Learning and development are viewed as an essential part of teaching and it forms one of the foundations of Learning at Work Week.

The annual event puts an emphasis on learning cultures in the workplace and focuses on how staff at all levels of organisations can work to better themselves.

Celebrated from 13th -19th May this year, the theme for Learning at Work Week 2019 is ‘Shaping the Future’ – asking staff to ensure that they have the necessary tools in place so that continual learning and development is possible.

Coordinated by the Campaign for Learning, the week also wants to explore how individuals can be more open and resilient to change.

This is especially important for teachers and other support staff at a time when the education system is experiencing reform, financial pressures and greater demand as a result of rising pupil numbers.

The week provides a great opportunity for head teachers and school boards to promote organisational change and pathways for learning, as well as a range of other benefits.

By embracing the topics related to Learning at Work Week, school staff may be able to alter their culture for better outcomes – some of which may include the following:

  • Changing attitudes to learning and work
  • Increasing awareness of learning and development opportunities
  • Develop learning opportunities in line with wider school goals
  • Enhanced feedback to support further learning and development
  • Openings to spot and reorganise internal talent
  • Valuing different methods and ways of working
  • Increasing knowledge and awareness of teacher support tools
  • Tackling departmental or year-group silo working to promote collaboration

Campaign for Learning has outlined a number of activities that relate to three key strands – ‘future open’, ‘future ready’ and ‘future active’, details of which can be found here.

They have also published a set of ideas and tips for creating an effective Learning at Work event, which includes many of the key topics that should be considered and discussed.