Celebrating World Music Day in the classroom


As a celebration of music in all its forms, World Music Day offers an opportunity to embrace the power of sound in the classroom for both primary teachers and secondary teachers.

Be that in music lessons or when looking at any other subject, the day aims to raise the profile of music and to appreciate the impact it can have on health, wellbeing and a range of other factors.

Falling on 21 June each year, World Music Day represents a fantastic opportunity for primary and secondary teachers to encourage pupils to pick up a new instrument or to return to one they once played.

From listening to music, studying its many forms or discovering something new, the day encourages anyone to take part.

The background

Launched as the Fete de la Musique in France back in 1982, World Music Day is now marked in 120 countries and more than 1,000 cities across the world.

A number of famous faces act as ambassadors for Music Day in the UK, including Big Issue founder Lord Bird MBE, Pink Floyd’s bass player Guy Pratt, TV presenter Jon Snow and Welsh soprano Elin Manahan Thomas.

What can teachers do in the classroom for World Music Day?

Music can act as a soothing influence in the run-up to exams and can be used to help pupils to memorise key information too.

Introducing these techniques may benefit pupils in the long term, as it can help reduce anxiety and stress, while also exposing them to a number of fun and engaging musical genres.

The day could also be used to encourage children to discuss their favourite types of music and to consider why they prefer certain types over others.

Look to introduce music into the classroom for World Music Day and see if it impacts on engagement and whether pupils are more enthusiastic to learn – if they are, it could be time to make music a bigger part of teaching plans!