Why walking to school is important and how you can support it


Why walking to school is important and how you can support it

From boosting a child’s confidence to giving them greater freedom, walking to school can make a big difference to the lives of young people.

Not only does it help to reduce pollution by reducing the number of cars on the school run, but it can also mean that youngsters arrive at school energised and ready to learn.

This is why Walking to School Week is so important, and it’s also why a growing number of school children are getting involved in the initiative each year.

What is Walking to School Week?

This is why Walking to School Week is so important, and it’s also why a growing number of school children are getting involved in the initiative each year.

Taking place from 16-20 May – part of National Walking month – the week is an annual celebration of walking and putting our best foot forwards.

Walking to School Week is the brainchild of Living Streets, the UK’s national charity for walking, and they have the simple ambition of encouraging more people to get out walking and exploring.

Children are being challenged to travel to school in sustainable ways for the duration of the week, and during Walking to School Week in 2021, pupils from more than 1,600 schools took part.

It’s important to note that they don’t necessarily need to walk – cycling, running and scootering are also actively encouraged.

The many benefits of walking

Walking to school, or even part of the way, brings with it physical and mental benefits for children, but various research has also shown that it can boost concentration and a willingness to learn.

In addition, the act of walking to school can provide valuable early experience of road safety and of the need to be careful around the nation’s roads.

The environment also benefits, and especially the area close to the school gates as emissions are reduced when vehicle numbers are down.

How can teachers get their classes involved?

Pupils can be encouraged to walk to school throughout May, but there’s also added incentives to make it more fun for them.

Walking challenges can be completed within class or year groups, while Living Streets also runs the WOW initiative, whereby children are rewarded with collectable badges should they travel sustainably at least once a week.

It is designed by pupils, and it is estimated that walking among youngsters increases by around a quarter for every school taking part.

Some schools can even get involved in WOW for free if they are in eligible areas.

There’s also a number of different teaching resources available online which support Walking to School Week in 2022, including this toolkit and assembly pack from Twinkl.